
Kreamer Street Students Learn Hydroponics

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Aimee Volk’s third-grade students at Kreamer Street have been growing vegetables through the method of hydroponics, the raising of plants without soil. They are now performing an experiment that compares the soil-based growth of tomatoes, radishes, peppers and other vegetables to those grown through hydroponics. Since planting the vegetables in their classroom, they are looking forward to charting and comparing their growth. They are also creating a tier hydroponic system with four levels of plants, which can be readily used in a home, office or classroom.

“The goal is to get students to think about sustainable growth methods, and to see how the hydroponic method differs from traditional growth in the soil, ” Ms. Volk said. 

In addition, the students are utilizing a low-tech aquaculture system to grow wheatgrass and radish microgreens. A beta fish tank provides all the nutrients for the plants to grow. In fact, the wheatgrass was harvested and blended in a smoothie for the students to taste.