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Little Voices Art Gallery

This year Brookhaven began featuring student creativity in our own art gallery!The Little Voices Gallery showcases art in a beautiful glass case in the main lobby. Please stop to enjoy the wonderful art work and, if you happen to know one of the artists, please congratulate them on a job well done.

October 2013 Display
Colored Pencil Still Life Expressions
The Little Voices Gallery is proud to present Colored Pencil Still Life Expressions by our second grade students. This class project introduced students to many colored pencil techniques including hatching, cross-hatching, and scumbling as well as how to use a color blending stick. We viewed many still life paintings and discussed the differences between a still life, a portrait and a landscape.

Homework Boxes
Tools are a necessary part of everyday life - even for elementary students. By creating a container for school supplies such as pencils, erasers and crayons, form and function are combined. We see how individuality can add beauty to things we might normally take for granted and are reminded of where these tools can take us.

Come and enjoy their hard work, creativity, and expression of learning.

SCCSD Mascot