
Big Dreams for the Future

Big Dreams for the Future Photo thumbnail182233

It’s never too early to plan for the future. Frank P. Long Intermediate School students got a jumpstart on their careers during the school’s College and Career Week, held on March 23-26, which culminated in the school’s inaugural Career Day on March 26.

“We believe that showing our students different career options is a great experience and gets students to start thinking about their future,” school counselor Darlene Dowler said.

The week’s kickoff activity was a spirit week with students wearing pajamas on We Have Big Dreams Day (Tuesday) and sunglasses or neon colors for Your Future is Bright Day (Wednesday). Students also dressed in college, military or technical shirts on Thursday for “Oh, The Places You’ll Go” Day. Spirit Week concluded with a Dress to Impress or Dress as Your Future Career Day, which paralleled Career Day activities.

On Career Day, students watched videos of community professionals who pre-recorded information about their careers. The students also participated in an activity where they were asked questions about the year they will graduate and what they intend on doing after high school graduation. The activity also asked the students to write a note to themselves as high school seniors. In a separate career exploration activity, students listed things they were accomplished in and enjoyed doing. They also described what career they would like to choose and why.