
Kreamer Street Reading Is Out Of This World

Kreamer Street Reading Is Out Of This World Photo thumbnail182230
Kreamer Street Elementary School students participated in various cosmic adventures as they celebrated reading through the school’s annual Parents as Reading Partners Program. Sponsored by the PTA, PARP fosters a love of reading and encourages students to read an additional 15 minutes each day.

Held from March 1-19, this year’s PARP theme was “Reading is Out of This World!” At home, students set aside a time each day to read to someone or were read to by a parent, sibling or caregiver. PARP reading was not limited to books but included magazines, newspapers, cereal boxes, road maps, directions and more. The most important rule was to read beyond the 15 minutes required each evening to participate.

Kreamer Street Elementary also held fun events to celebrate reading with a Jester Jim virtual assembly to send the program into orbit. Also included were space-themed dress up days, a virtual Scholastic Book Fair, weekly classroom winners and opportunities to check the PTA’s Facebook page for space facts, activities and games.