
Brookhaven Celebrates a 100/101 Day Milestone

Brookhaven Celebrates a 100/101 Day Milestone thumbnail181529

District students celebrated the first 100 days of school with special and engaging hands on English language arts, mathematics and arts activities to mark the momentous occasion for the district’s elementary school students.

At Brookhaven Elementary School, kindergarten students in Jennifer Drake’s class came dressed in specially designed T-shirts to reflect the number of days they have attended school. The class made 100-day hats and stacked pennies for 100 seconds. They made Fruit Loop necklaces, separating the cereal in groups of 10. Students tried to see how many sight words, letters and their names they could write in 100 seconds and jumped, ran in place and stood frozen for the same amount of time. The students also enjoyed playing dice games such as Race to 100, a dot grid game for finding specific groups, and Toss a Penny 100 times to see whether heads or tails is revealed the most.

Due to the number of snow days, the 100th day of school landed on a virtual day, so Mrs. Drake’s class also celebrated 101 days with a 101 Dalmatian theme. Like the 100th day celebration, students participated in themed activities, such as placing 101 dots on a dog, playing the Racing to 101 dice game and barking for 101 seconds. They also stacked dog bones for 101 seconds as “Who Let the Dogs Out?” played in the background. To top off the activities, the students shared Scooby gram bones and fruit snacks.